Lauren had the rare + delightful opportunity to direct for A LIGHT IN DARK PLACES, an LA-based nonprofit whose goal is to raise awareness for suicide prevention. PACKING by Jessica Moss features the incomparable Jule Nelson-Duac + Savannah Lloyd as the mother + wife of a man who died by suicide. It’s an important, nuanced, valuable piece of theatre, + Lauren is so proud of the work these women have done. The festival closes this weekend at the Bath House Cultural Center.
I loved it, it was perfect, here're some pictures.
Just two months late, but Theatre Three’s revival of I LOVE YOU, YOU’RE PERFECT, NOW CHANGE marked a successful reopening of the Theatre Too space. The cast + crew made this one feel a bit like reporting to the playground every night—so much fun + silliness.
'It's been really nice showing you around.'
Sometimes, you do a show that changes you, that teaches you something about yourself. KODACHROME at Circle Theatre was one of those shows— Lauren will feel its impact on her life + in her heart for a very, very long time. Farewell, Colchester.
Always a bridesmaid...
Lauren is honored + thrilled to be back on the boards at Theatre Three, a home base theatre for her, to perform the hilarious + relatable musical comedy I LOVE YOU, YOU’RE PERFECT, NOW CHANGE!
Tickets are already on sale, with special pricing for groups + holidays, like New Year’s Eve + Valentine’s Day. Get yours here!
"It's important, I think, to record things."
Sometimes, in the moment, you know you’re living through one of your own high points. This show is that.
KODACHROME at Circle Theatre opens this week. Bring someone you love. You’ll love them more afterward.